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Samsung pulls Galaxy S3 update soon after complaints
For Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC, a great deal is using on its appeal. Some S3 owners were left with devices that drained battery quickly, would suddenly freeze, or were "bricked" altogether.
The update was to give users version 4.3 of the Android operating system - also known as Jelly Bean.
"We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused," the company said.
A statement explained: "The fix for the issues with Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean 4.3 upgrade has begun rolling out to selected users in the UK, and will continue to do so.
"For commuters crammed in trains - or just those who love a bit of futuristic tech that makes their lives easier - this novel feature will really help the Galaxy S4 to stand out."
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However, Charles Golvin from Forrester Research worried the swathes of new features may alienate some customers.
"The larger question is how much of this stuff can people actually use," he told the BBC.
Meanwhile, earlier this year, a US court awarded Apple $1.05bn (£652m) in damages, after ruling several of its software and design technologies had been infringed by Samsung. In October, sales bans in the US on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus phone and its Galaxy 10.1 tablet computer were lifted, in a blow to Apple.
"Including an image of yourself in a picture that you're taking for someone else - yes, I think that's a bit gimmicky. "There's no question that there's a lot of powerful technology and innovative features - but whether people will care about them or use them I'm not sure. n"But on the video side, for a live chat where it's compositing you and your image to show both you and what you're seeing - that's not a gimmick."
Lighter and thinner In another scene, depicting a backpacker in Shanghai, the phone was shown to translate English text into Chinese speech - before translating Chinese speech back into English text.
The Galaxy S4 follows on from last year's S3, a product that sold over 40 million units worldwide.
At a lavish, Broadway-themed event in New York, the company also demonstrated the phone's ability to take two different pictures at once.
The Galaxy S4 will be rolled out globally at the end of April.
Analysts widely regard Samsung to be the biggest challenger to Apple's dominance of mobile products.
"We are committed to providing customers with the best possible mobile experience, and will ensure to resume the upgrading service at the earliest possibility," it added in a statement.
"Samsung keep telling us that they will let us know as soon as they find a fix, but in the meantime I am left with a phone that is next to useless," wrote one owner, Dylan Barlow, to the BBC.
Several users posted messages on Samsung's UK Facebook page to complain that the firm had taken this long to act.
Although it was later updated to 4.1, users were never offered the 4.2 upgrade - making the latest release the first for the handset since the start of the year. The Galaxy S3 was first released in May 2012 running Android 4.0.
The SamMobile news blog noted that one of the reasons for the firm to have released the upgrade at this point would have been to allow the phone to be compatible with its new Galaxy Gear smartwatch.
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